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Health Office

Student Wellness

"Healthy students learn better."  Although it is important for students to be at school everyday, the health staff would like to review the general guidelines for students coming to school.  Please take a few moments to read the following protocols.

 Students should NOT be sent to school with the following symptoms listed below:

  • Fever (100 or above)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Pain that is not controlled
  • Flu Symptoms
  • Infectious Conjunctivitis (pink eye).  This requires a physician's visit.

Students may return to school:

  • Fever free for 24 hours
  • no vomiting for the last 24 hours
  • Infectious Conjunctivitis (pink eye) when antibiotic treatment has been administered for at least 24 hours and symptoms have subsided.

Crutches, wheelchairs, and PE excuses​:
Students with injuries requiring the use of wheelchairs, crutches, splints, braces, require a physician's note describing their physical activity limitations.  All physician's notes for PE excusal or limitations are to be brought to the health office.  The health office logs the notes and informs the PE teacher.  Parents may write a note for their child to be excused from PE for up to 3 days.  After 3 days a physician's not is required.

Phone numbers & emergency contacts:

It is imperative that current work, home, cell phone numbers, and emergency contact numbers are available should your child experience and unexpected illness, injury, or emergency at school.  Please take the time to update any changes in your personal phone numbers and emergency contact numbers.  Please access the parent portal in Infinite Campus and add your contact numbers.

Medication at school:

California Education Code 49423 requires that all students requiring medication during the school day, both prescribed medications and over-the-counter, have a physician's order for the medication and signed permission from the parent authorizing the health office to administer the medication.  Please download the form on this page and have your physician complete it.  All medications must be kept in the health office.  Students may NOT carry medication on them on campus.  The only exceptions are emergency inhalers and EPI PENS but the physician's order and authorization to carry are still required.  Students found carrying unauthorized medications may be subject to disciplinary action.

Please help us to keep our campus safe, healthy, and drug free.




Health Office Forms

1 2 3 192 > showing 1 - 20 of 3825 constituents

Katie Aaker

Titles: Teacher High School
Locations: GOHS Certificated Staff

Kerry Aaron

Titles: Clerk I - Health
Locations: PVES Classified Staff

Liliana Abab

Titles: Child Nutrition Iii
Locations: TMS Classified Staff

Claudia Abad

Titles: Autism Behavior Intervention Asst (abia)
Locations: VRMS Classified Staff

Kalia Abad

Titles: Teacher Middle School
Locations: BVMS Certificated Staff

Monica Abarca

Titles: Teacher Elementary
Locations: AES Certificated Staff

Asmaa Abdulameer

Titles: Instr. Asst. Iii - Spec Ed
Locations: CHS Classified Staff

Rachel Abelgas

Titles: Guidance/counseling Technician
Locations: TVHS Classified Staff

Cynthia Abeyta


Daniel Abeyta

Titles: Custodian Day Lead I
Locations: VHES Classified Staff

Emiliano Aceves Torres

Titles: Lvn - Health
Locations: DO Classified Staff

Javier Acevez

Titles: Teacher Special Day Class Severe
Locations: GOHS Certificated Staff

Heidi Ackerman

Titles: Teacher Middle School
Locations: BVMS Certificated Staff

Jenna Ackerman


Claudia Acosta

Titles: Library/media Assistant I
Locations: BVMS Classified Staff

Isela Acosta

Titles: Instr. Asst. Iii - Spec Ed
Locations: VHES Classified Staff

Jerry Acosta

Titles: Crossing Guard

Omar Acosta

Titles: Lcap Middle School Counseling Specialist
Locations: DMS Certificated Staff

Carmen Adame

Titles: Clerk Iii
Locations: DO Classified Staff

Katrina Adame

Titles: Campus Security I
Locations: GOHS Classified Staff