College & Career Kickoff
On Tuesday, October 22nd, TVHS will be holding our annual College & Career Kickoff. College Kickoff focuses on college and career readiness and is connected to the Riverside County Office of Education Pledge—that all students in Riverside County will graduate from high school well-prepared for college and the workforce.
Activities for the day are based on grade level:
12th grade - Senior Workshops
11th grade - ASVAB (unless the student has purchased the PSAT/NMSQT)
10th grade - PSAT/NMSQT
9th grade - PSAT 9
All students will report to 1st period for attendance at 8:30. Students who have late start will need to be on campus by 8:45AM. Students will then report to their assigned room, shared with them by their teachers. The school day is modified so all students will be released at 1:15pm. No students will be permitted to leave early, including students with Early Release .
Please be sure your student brings their CHARGED school chromebook and calculator. Personal devices are not allowed for the PSAT, however can be used on the ASVAB and in Senior Workshops.
Thank you for all your support of TVHS Golden Bears!