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Induction Criteria

Induction Criteria

  1. Student athletes who have exhibited outstanding performance and honor as individuals or as members of a varsity athletic team representing Temecula Valley High School. 
    1. Student athletes must have attended Temecula Valley High School for at least two years and participated in Varsity athletics during their tenure.
    2. Student athletes must have graduated at least five years before their nomination. 
    3. Factors for nomination may include but are not limited to:
      • All League, County and CIF in team sports. 
      • Top 3 placing in CIF-SS and or State Championships in individual sports. 
      • Excellence in multiple sports. 
      • Post high school athletic accomplishments, collegiate, national, international and or professional.
      • Good citizenship reflecting the values of TVHS student/athlete standards.
  2. Coaches and Athletic Department personnel, of Temecula Valley High School Athletics who have contributed to the traditions and honor of Temecula Valley High School Athletics.
    1. Coaches and Athletic Department personnel must have served for a minimum of five years.
    2. Factors for nominations may include but are not limited to:
      • League, CIF-SS and State or Regional Championships in team sports or number of CIF-SS or State Champions.
      • Coach of the Year recognition.
      • CIF Southern Section or State Hall of Fame or Distinguished Service Awards.
  3. Community members who have contributed to the support of TVHS Athletic Programs and the Student Athletes and Coaches that make up those programs.
    1. Community members must have served in some volunteer capacity at TVHS for a minimum of five years.
    2. Factors for nominations may include but are not limited to: 
      • Booster Club leadership positions held.
      • Fundraising activities contributed.
      • Time spent on TVHS Athletic Department support involving all types of assistance to coaches and Athletic Department personnel and athletes.