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**UPDATED FOR SY 24-25!** AFJROTC Flight Academy Info

  • The Air Force JROTC Flight Academy, Chief of Staff Private Pilot Scholarship program, is an approximately 8-week summer aviation training program, conducted at 24 partnering universities nationwide. Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded a Private Pilot’s Certification -- for FREE (the scholarship is valued at over $22,500)!  The Flight Academy is intended to inspire and encourage high school youth toward aviation careers.  Additionally, the experience of learning to fly will positively improve your student's lives and help shape their personal development, academic endeavors, and career aspirations.  And, believe it or not, this program does NOT require ANY military service obligations following high school!!  And, it is worth repeating that participation is FREE!!

    The scholarship program is a collaborative effort between the aerospace industry and the Air Force to address a national pilot shortage.  Currently, Boeing predicts an annual need to hire 6,000 civilian pilots a year for the next 20 years.  Military needs quickly push that number over 8,000.  According to industry and military leadership, the nation is facing a pilot shortage “crisis."

    The Flight Academy also addresses a secondary national issue of diversity. Aviation is one of the least diverse professions in industry. Currently, women make up less than 7% of pilots and minorities represent less than 12%. Air Force Junior ROTC currently has almost 85,000 cadets enrolled in high schools across the nation and is the Air Force’s most diverse program. Minorities represent 58% of the Air Force Junior ROTC student body and females make up 40%. Cadets selected for the flight academy represented female and minorities more than three times the national averages. 

    The inaugural year of the Flight Academy was Summer 2018, where 120 cadets attended six universities. The Air Force has expanded the program significantly since its inception, partnering with 24 universities in 2023 to host more than 300 cadets.

    For the summer 2024 program, selected cadets attended one of 24 partnering universities with an embedded flight training program.  Our very own Cadet Ilyas Uzakbaev attended Fairmount State University, successfully earning his private pilot certificate in 6 weeks! Specifically:

    Is your cadet ready to aim higher than they ever have before?  Here's their chance!!

    Good luck, cadets!!

    Lt Col Good

    **NEW! Summer 2025 Info** Qualifications, AQT Info & Application Procedures

    News and Video Links

    Video: HQ AF Junior ROTC on Flight Academy Program (24 Aug 22)

    Cadets and flight instructors share their experiences with JROTC's eight-week Flight Academy program. Cadets can earn their Private Pilot's Certification through the course, which partners JROTC units with universities around the United States.

    Video: News Segment on AFJROTC Flight Academy Program

    News Segment on AFJROTC Flight Academy Program

    Article: High school cadet pursues dream of flying

    For Ava Lewis, the dream of becoming a pilot was one she was able to share with two other generations of women in her family.

    Video: JROTC students take pilot training at Liberty University

    Short video by local new station on cadets participating in the Flight Academy at Liberty University.

    Article: Junior ROTC cadets off and flying in CSAF Academy Scholarship program

    Article about inaugural cadets completing the new and exciting program.

    Photo Gallery

    Flight Academy Picture 1
    Ha'aheo Carpenter is a step away from getting her private pilot's license. "How do you explain flying? It can't be put into words, honestly," she says.
    Flight Academy Picture 2
    Junior ROTC cadets off and flying in Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy Scholarship program PHOTO DETAILS / DOWNLOAD HI-RES 3 of 5 Cadet Ruth Robey, Hixson High School, Hixson, Tennessee, flies a Cessna 172 as part of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy program at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia. Robey is one of 120 cadets selected for a Flight Academy scholarship by Air Force Junior ROTC. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy scholarship program allows selected Air Force Junior ROTC cadets to attend an accredited aviation program at one of six partnering universities to get a private pilot license. (Courtesy Photo)
    Flight Academy Picture 3
    Cadets AbdulMalik Ariyo, Lovejoy High School, Hampton, Georgia, and Ruth Robey, Hixson High School, Hixson, Tennesse, stand in front of a trainer aircraft at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia. Ariyo and Robey are two of the 120 cadets selected by Air Force Junior ROTC for the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy scholarship program this summer. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy scholarship program allows selected Air Force Junior ROTC cadets to attend an accredited aviation program at one of six partnering universities to get a private pilot license. (Courtesy Photo)
    Flight Academy Picture 4
    Cadet James Huang, North Gwinnett High School, Suwanee, Georgia, sits in the cockpit of a trainer aircraft at Auburn University, Alabama. Huang is one of 120 cadets selected for a Flight Academy scholarship by Air Force Junior ROTC. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy scholarship program allows selected Air Force Junior ROTC cadets to attend an accredited aviation program at one of six partnering universities to get a private pilot license. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Matthew Markivee)
    Flight Academy Picture 5
    Air Force Junior ROTC cadets participate in classroom work as part of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy program at Auburn University, Alabama. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy scholarship program allows selected Air Force Junior ROTC cadets to attend an accredited aviation program at one of six partnering universities to get a private pilot license. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Charles Welty)
    Flight Academy_Purdue University Female Student
    Flight Academy_Southeastern University on the Flightline
    Flight Academy_Purdue University Cockpit