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CA-933 Operations Order

Effective: 02/10/25 - 02/16/25


Uniform:  Wednesday

 ●      Combo 7

○     NoteCombo 3 for those who are not going to the Military Ball



●      No School


Duty Flight: Foxtrot


●      This Operations Order will be updated and posted to the AFJROTC Website every Monday and read at the start of class. If you have information to include, contact C/Capt. Ilyas Uzakbaev & C/Capt. Jay Perez before TUESDAY AFTERNOON NLT 1700!


○      To see the Weekly Schedule, click the link below to stay informed!

■      JROTC Weekly Schedule


○      If you want to schedule a meeting, contact BOTH Executive Officers BEFORE THURSDAY NIGHT NLT 2359!! Contact the Executive Officers on the Exec Remind using the code @exec-3


●      Room Schedule is as follows this week:

○      OPEN - Mon: 0800 / Tues: 0800 / Wed: 0800 / Thur: 0800 / Fri: 0800

○      CLOSE - Mon: CLOSED / Tues: CLOSED / Wed: 1630 / Thur: CLOSED / Fri: NO SCHOOL


●      ATTENTION STAFF: There will be a Staff Meeting this Week

 ○      Staff Members: To participate in the Quote of the Week, complete the following Google Form:



●      Our annual Military Ball is being held THIS THURSDAY the 13th of February at the Pechanga Casino Resort.

○      ALL CADETS - Show up NLT 1730. Seniors must be in place NLT 1745 with their escorts. *Please note that the event will end promptly at 2245 to allow time for cleanup.  Please plan to be picked up by NLT 2300.

○      All Key roles show up NLT 1630

○      If you have any questions or concerns please contact Lt Col Good or MSgt Knight!

 ○      Those wearing Combo 1 Do NOT bring your Flight Caps or Name Tag


●      ATTENTION ALL CADETS: Our Second Morning Flagpole of this rotation will be NEXT Wednesday, February 19th. Show up at the flagpole near the front office NLT 0815. This is a MANDATORY event for ALL CADETS! Make sure you inform your Flight Commander IN ADVANCE if you cannot make it.


●      Attention All Cadets: We will have a campus cleanup after school This Wednesday, 12 Feb 2025. This is a mandatory event for all drill team members. Contact C/CMSgt Marley Larkin with any questions or concerns.


●      Attention ALL Cadets: Cubs On Campus will be held 20 Feb 2025 and we need a small group of cadets to help represent our Unit in the evening. Please join the remind: @cubsoncamp | Please contact C/Maj Madelynn Patino ASAP if you are interested.


●      Want to participate in the next upcoming Promotion Test? There's an informational meeting this Tuesday! You must attend the meeting to promote. If you have any questions or concerns please contact C/SSgt Owen or his NCO C/1st Lt. Gemmell on the remind code @promo25


●      Our second field trip of the school will take place on 27 Feb (Thur) with a visit to University of San Diego’s NROTC (check them out at: If you’re interested in going to college after graduation and want to become an officer in the world’s greatest Navy, then this field trip is especially for you!

○      To participate, eligible cadets must have:

■      (1) Parent/guardian permission

■      (2) At least a 2.0 cumulative GPA in-progress grade average

■      (3) No more than one “F” grade, and

■      (4) Support of all classroom teachers.

○      Eligibility does not guarantee a cadet’s participation. Interested cadets must indicate interest NLT 1530 on 20 Feb (Thur) via Google form link below.  A finalized list of those attending will be provided soon thereafter. Identified cadets will be required to report to the AFJROTC area NLT 0715.

○      Interest form: University of San Diego Trip Interest Form



●      Any ideas for weekly PT? Complete this form to request the PT for the following week. It can be a game or a workout. It is not guaranteed your request will happen. For any questions, please contact the Athletics Officer C/TSgt Cooper Steele.

○      Fill out the form HERE.


●      ALL CADETS: Do you need any uniform items issued or replaced? DON’T JUST WALK IN! Contact the Logistics Team on Remind @tvhslog to set up an appointment.

○      Please make sure that ALL uniform items are dry-cleaned before bringing them in. To get issued more ribbons, cadets MUST bring their old ribbon rack to exchange before a new one can be issued.

○      Note: Supply will be CLOSED this week to allow the logistics team the time needed to organize and plan for inventory. 


●      ALL CADETS: Please be sure to complete the following Logistics Form so that we can ensure that all hand receipts are updated as needed:


●      AFJROTC Snack Bar: The Snack Bar will generally be open each day Before School (at approx 0810), during Break, Lunch, and After School (when rooms remain open after school). Please remember the basic ROEs (rules of engagement):

○      NO bills larger than $10

○      NO reselling items

○      NO purchasing items for non-cadets

○      NO exceeding the daily purchase limit

○      Make sure to keep S-2 CLEAN. Please remember that having access to the snack bar is a PRIVILEGE, and failure to respect and clean our rooms will result in those privileges being taken away or the snack bar getting CLOSED.


●      ALL CADETS: As a reminder, unless excused by the Col. or MSgt, you must wear your Uniform ALL Day on Uniform Day. Changing out early without permission will result in a ZERO with no makeup opportunity.


●      ALL NEW (First Year) CADETS: Once issued, please be sure that your uniform is labeled and that you secure it in S-14 until you take it home. Please be mindful that you are held liable for your uniform once it has been issued to you! DAMAGED OR LOST UNIFORM ITEMS WILL INCUR A CHARGE!!*Please note: All cadets must follow the appropriate uniform dress and appearance grooming standards. This means hair regulations must be followed when wearing the uniform. Please check the cadet guidelines regarding jewelry (several jewelry violations have been noted in the last few weeks). Also, see the “do’s/ do-nots” section when in uniform.


●      Interested in being a part of our prestigious Drill Teams or Clubs? Use the Remind codes in the following form to reach and contact the respective Club and Drill Team Commanders with any questions! (Anyone can join!):



●      Need help with a Subject? Kitty Hawk is holding their Tutoring Program! Click the link below to find a tutor to help you with your subject and schedule a session. Kitty Hawk Tutoring Link


●      Join our Unit Remind Class by texting @24-25tvafj to 81010 to receive critical information and updates throughout the school year.


●      ALL CADETS: We can't stress this enough, but unless you were expressly asked to assist, DO NOT COME DOWN TO THE ROOMS DURING YOUR OTHER CLASSES! This applies whether you are done with the work in other classes or not!


●      While S-14 is in use as a female changing room, ladies who are changing out, please be sure to put the “Ladies Changing Room” sign outside and lock the door. If a Cadet needs to come in, they will knock and wait for the door to be answered.


●      ALL CADETS: Please bring water for your designated period. AFJROTC-purchased waters are for important events, so please bring your own to school each day.


●      ALL CADETS: You must come to class prepared to participate, including bringing a charged Chromebook every day.


●      Cadet cell phones will be left in the classroom when leaving for the Restroom or Drill. The instructor may decide to use them at any other time.


●      To stay further connected, join CA-933rd's Unit Discord:, follow us on our Unit Instagram: @tvhs.afjrotc, and follow us on our Tiktok: @tvhs.afjrotc