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Flight Academy Information
(C/ Uzakbaev is fourth from left)
On Friday, 2 August 2024, our very own Cadet Ilyas Uzabaev, graduated from Fairmount State University's Aviation Center of Excellence. During the ceremony, he and eight other cadets from across the country, were celebrated during a ceremony for earning their PRIVATE PILOT'S LICENSE in 8 intense weeks of training (C/ Uzakbaev officially earned his at the 6-week point!!).
We are very proud of him and hope to see more CA-933 cadets apply for the summer 2025 program (specific details to be announced when they become available).
Welcome to the Award Winning Air Force Junior ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) program at Temecula Valley High School! As we enter our 29th year, we are pleased to offer this program as one of the VERY best units across the Nation and overseas.
Be a part of the outstanding Flying Bear tradition! Join Air Force JROTC now! Contact an instructor with questions or have a school counselor adjust your class schedule.
The mission of Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) is to "Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.” We ARE NOT a recruiting program for the military and there is ZERO obligation to any military service by being a part of this unique, one-of-a-kind high school program.
The objectives of AFJROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship and life skills; promote community service; instill a sense of responsibility; develop character and self-discipline through education and instruction in air and space fundamentals and the Air Force core values of “integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do.”
CA-933 is once again recognized by the Air Force Junior ROTC Director, Colonel Johnny McGonigal, with "Distinguished Unit" honors for academic year 2021-2022. According to the commander, "these awards recognize the personal growth and accomplishments of the cadets, contributions of the instructors as mentors, and the support of the school and local community." The commander added, "Certainly numerous AFJROTC units are doing great things in their respective communities, but these (distinguished) units truly represent the best of our 900 AFJROTC and NDCC units worldwide. The cadets, instructors, and schools are to be commended for earning their award." The Flying Bears are one of the very best units world-wide!
CA-933 UNIT GOALS FOR SY 2023-24
Cadet Impact Goals
- 92% or more cadets will wear the proper uniform-of-the-day.
- 45% of cadets will be actively involved with LDR (co-curricular) activities.
- 20% of cadets will reach 40 community service hours within the school year.
School Impact Goals (include 1 Recruiting Goal)
- Corps will have a collective GPA average of at least 3.0 (all classes) to help increase TVHS's overall GPA and graduation rates.
- Forty percent (40%) of cadets will participate in other TVHS activities (extra-curriculars)
- Corps will conduct 2 Awareness Presentation Team visits to feeder middle schools in support of CA-933.
Community Impact Goals
- Cadets will earn 2,500 collective community service hours.
- Cadets will conduct 3 campus clean-ups every month of the school year to beautify the campus and community.
- Cadets will conduct 10 community outreach functions, with at least 3 Color Guard postings outside of school to promote AFJROTC and patriotism.
The information and opinions contained in this Internet site do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Government, United States Air Force, or Jeanne M. Holm Center for Officer Accessions and Citizen Development.
We Will Never Forget...
U.S. Army Sgt. Stephen P. Saxton. 24, of Temecula, Calif.; assigned to the Army’s 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Carson, Colo.; Operation Iraq Freedom; killed May 3, 2005 when an improvised explosive device detonated near his humvee while his unit was conducting a route security mission in Baghdad. Sgt. Stephen P. Saxton was a 1998 graduate of Temecula Valley High School. He is the only TVHS graduate to have died in combat while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Group Commander - C/ Lt Col Daniel Rund
Vice Group Commander - C/ Maj Rihanna Tomlinson
Executive Officers - C/ Capts Madelynn Patino & Nathan Santos
Command Chief - C/ CMSgt Janelle Black