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EAP - Early Assessment Program


Each spring, all grade eleven students in California take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics. These assessments, which are administered as part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System, also serve as an indicator of readiness for college-level coursework in English and mathematics and are used by the California State University (CSU) and participating California Community Colleges (CCCs) to determine Early Assessment Program (EAP) status.

How Students Can Authorize Release of their Results

All students now participate in EAP by virtue of completing the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy and mathematics. Students must authorize the release of their CAASPP (i.e., Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment) results for each assessment to the CSU and CCC systems.

  • The release of results for both English language arts/literacy and mathematics must be completed separately.
  • Students that do not release their results at the end of the assessments may later submit a copy their score report to the CSU and/or community college in which they have enrolled.  

The release of the CAASPP results will not affect a student’s application for admission. Results are only used to determine a student’s placement after he or she has been admitted to the university.

How EAP Status Is Reported

Students will find their EAP status reported on the front of the 2015–16 Student Score Report. There are four possible EAP status levels, as described below:

    1. Ready 
      Students who score at the highest performance level (“Standard Exceeded” [Level 4]) are considered ready for English and/or mathematics college-level coursework and are exempt from taking the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) and/or Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) exam. These students will be able to register in college degree-bearing courses upon entering the CSU or a participating CCC. Students are encouraged to continue preparation during the twelfth grade.

    2. Conditionally Ready 
      Students who score at the “Standard Met” (Level 3) performance level are considered conditionally ready forEnglish and/or mathematics college-level coursework and are exempt from taking the EPT and/or ELM exam. However, they must take an approved English and/or mathematics course in twelfth grade and receive a grade of “C” or better. Students that do not meet the conditional requirement will need to participate in the CSU’s Early Start Program, unless exemption was met through another pathway.

    3. Not Yet Ready 
      Students who score at the “Standard Nearly Met” (Level 2) performance level are considered not yet ready forEnglish and/or mathematics college-level coursework and will need additional preparation in the twelfth grade. They will also be required to take the EPT and/or ELM exam unless they meet the exemption criteria through another pathway. 

    4. Not Ready 
      Students who score at the “Standard Not Met” (Level 1) performance level are considered not ready for English and/or mathematics college-level coursework. They will need substantial improvement to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed for success in entry-level credit-bearing college coursework after high school

For more information, please see the CSU’s Early Assessment Program Web page