English Learners at TVHS
The purpose of the English Learner Program at TVHS is to provide challenging course work while simultaneously developing language acquisition skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing academic English. We provide support and services to students as they work to become proficient in English, graduate high school and become successful in their post-secondary education and career.
English Language Development
Please click on the link for important information pertaining to the English Learner Program website
Please click on the link for access to the TVUSD DELAC page.
English Language Team
Lenny Dykes
EL Teacher
951-695-7300 x3137
Brent Wozniak
Assistant Principal
951-695-7300 x2185
Katherine Favela
EL Counselor
951-695-7300 x2179
Jamie Bermejo-Lazo
EL Counselor
951-695-7300 x2158
Carissa Teachout
AVID Counselor
951-695-7300 x2156